about viral calm

OK, so Corona is understandably scaring us. We’re being told, “don’t panic.” But, let’s be honest, hearing that doesn’t help. This site is designed to really help.
How? By giving you one central website with calming resources and links from all over the Internet. You will find a huge range of resources to give comfort to your body, mind and spirit.
Also see our sister site: makemydaybright.com to give you a regular dose of Vitamin C-omfort with good news, humor, and fun activities that you can enjoy from the safety of your home.
For regularly updated doses of Vitamin C-omfort, follow make My Day Bright on Instagram by clicking here and "like" us on Facebook by clicking here.
Please help make calm go viral by forwarding and posting these social accounts and makemydaybright.com and viralcalm.com
Together, let's flatten the worry curve!
about me

I am a quarantined freelance web designer looking to make the world a brighter place. I created viralcalm.com, and a sister site, makemydaybright.com, to contribute my skills towards helping people during these scary times. This is a labor of love. I'm not making money through these two sites. Rather, I hope to help flatten the worry curve so all of us can better cope, heal, and see the best in humanity.
I welcome your feedback. You can email me at shosh@positiveseven.com
- Shoshana, USA