Calm your nerves with music, nature, mediations, professional advice, ideas for how to help, and more.
For uplifting and fun doses of Vitamin C-omfort, also see our sister site MakeMyDayBright.com. Please share this site and follow us on social media.

Calm your nerves with music, nature, mediations, professional advice, ideas for how to help, and more.
For uplifting and fun doses of Vitamin C-omfort, also see our sister site MakeMyDayBright.com. Please share this site and follow us on social media.
follow for a dose of vitamin C-omfort

Viralcalm.com is here to tend to your emotional hygiene, (for physical hygiene please turn to the CDC.) To further calm coronavirus anxiety, see our sister site, makemydaybright.com, and follow us on Instagram and Facebook by clicking the icons below.

Please help me help others by sending funny or uplifting news, local hero stories, videos, pictures, quotes, or resources. To submit or send a comment, message me on Instagram or Facebook at @makemydaybright or fill out the form below.
a friendly disclaimer

Please know that I’m not a scientist, journalist, social worker, or doctor. What I am is a freelance web designer who wants to help people during this difficult coronavirus crisis. I’m doing my best to post information that is true, calming, and comforting. I have also tried to find sites that offer free services. I do not own this information and try to find the source so I can give them credit. Thank you for visiting.
Shoshana, USA